morning: New Generation Career Ecosystem

  • The client is a startup building an online career platform.
  • The platform is based on integrating a deep understanding of job seekers, their career development, and learning strategies with organizations’ need to find a perfect match for their job openings.
  • theLivingCore has co-developed the product strategy, user onboarding, and assessment process and created a novel tool for matching organizations with job seekers.
  • The product was successfully validated with partnering organizations, and the platform is growing.

The way people think about work is changing rapidly. In recent years, many workers have experienced a boom in freedom of personalizing the way they work, whether it comes to time, location, or methods. At the same time, especially younger generations are shifting towards frequent changes in occupations and companies they work for, seeing their careers more as an exploration journey, rather than a predetermined path.

However, most job platforms today still don’t look beyond finding “the next job”, and don’t utilize the full potential of scientific knowledge to maximize person-job fit and future job satisfaction. This is what an Austrian startup “morning” intends to change. 

morning’s onboarding guides a new user through a journey of self-understanding.

Morning is a career platform, which intends to become a lifetime guide for people shaping their working path according to their changing needs and preferences. It will continuously match them with organizations, projects, and growth opportunities, which are most enabling to their ambitions and life priorities at a given time.

In addition, morning is based on an understanding of its users on a deeper level – according to their ambitions, personality, values, and interests. However, it’s not only the users who get to understand themselves better. The companies will also be able to assess themselves, among others, on their current organizational development stage, which will further contribute to match quality.

“We really appreciate the cooperation with theLivingCore. Thanks to their wealth of experience, knowledge, and multidisciplinary background, they always helped us create future-oriented and innovative solutions for a wide range of projects. This is also the case with “morning”. Together, we have developed a unique selling proposition for the market, based on sound research and creative product development.”

Alexander Möslinger-Neundlinger, Co-Founder @ morning

theLivingCore has worked with morning from the very beginning of their product’s design, as a part of our Purposeful Technology focus area. Within this offering, we help organizations develop technology products through deep purpose and need discovery while steering them towards solutions beneficial to society.

Together with the morning team, theLivingCore has created multiple key elements of their product strategy:

  • Product philosophy manifesto, which positions the company in relation to the topic of job matching, and describes it using a metaphor of a lifetime musical jam session. This document is the foundation, upon which the further product strategy is built.

  • Research overview focused on the main factors of job satisfaction and person-job fit, which can be positively influenced from the position of a career platform.

  • User assessment bundle, including personality, values, and interests questionnaire.

  • Quick-start onboarding, including an “introspection primer” feature, which uses an evidence-based interactive mini-game to bring newly registered users into an introspective mindset before entering information about their goals and ambitions. 

  • Phase-aware matching feature, including a research-based typology of 4 fluid categories, in which users can place themselves through an assessment tool. These categories reflect users’ current preferences towards taking part in different types of organizational endeavors in their next job, such as opening new markets, solving crises, or maintaining knowledge. These types are then used to increase the quality of the matching algorithm results, by matching them to organizations in certain development phases and with certain challenges.

morning doesn’t only match users to jobs based on their current skills, but also helps them explore their future potentials.

Morning runs pages for both businesses and users interested in becoming early adopters of the platform, where you’ll find current information about its offerings. The startup has also successfully met the criteria for becoming funded by the FFG and the EIC Accelerator.

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Photo by Kovid Rathee on Unsplash

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