
theLivingCore will support you in co-creating your future.


Grow novelty strategically with leap Innovation Technology.

Project Showcase: Bene

© Bene
© Bene
  • Innovation process for an international office furniture manufacturer at a crossroads.
  • Transforming a producer of office desks and chairs into a provider of new integrated environments for the future world of working and learning. 
  • The result became Bene’s most popular and innovative product in the field of creativity spaces, the Pixel modular system.

What is leap?

leap(™) is a proven strategic innovation process enabling organizations to “learn from the future” and to systematically generate radical innovations. Moreover, leap trains employees to independently set up and run this process in the future.

A carefully selected innovation team will experience the leap innovation process in a series of workshops, usually over 3 to 6 months. Between the workshops, theLivingCore will provide personal innovation coaching.

The resulting innovations can be new products, services, business models, or new organizational structures. What’s more, this innovation method positively affects the innovation team members on the level of values, attitudes, and (innovation) capabilities and  skills. The innovation team will acquire the capacity to apply this innovation approach autonomously, and they will act as multipliers for promoting an innovation-driven company culture.

Why choose leap?

Radical innovation is not generated in standardized routine processes – unless by chance or luck. Radical innovation requires a space for strategic retreat, where new perspectives can open up and grand ideas develop. Take a step back, see the big picture, and systematically turn innovation into a strategic part of your business. 

Managers around the world are realizing that traditional innovation tools, such as classical strategy development or stage gate innovation, have reached their limits – they don’t lead us away from the beaten paths of thinking. The leap method, however, enables us to follow new paths of thought, so that we can identify, explore and communicate radical new ideas and finally turn them into impactful innovations.

With leap, radical innovations are no longer a matter of luck. leap is a strategic tool that supports your continuous processes rather than replacing them, and gives them new meaning by creating new knowledge and perspectives. We recommend that you run leap every 3–5 years, depending on your organisation and industry, in order to sustainably strengthen your long-term prospects.

10 weeks


sensing potentials

  • Developing hypotheses relevant for the future
  • Re-framing mental models
  • Exploring future potentials together with users and stakeholders
  • Deep understanding of users’/clients’ future needs
  • User Experience Lab
3 weeks


playing innovation

  • Developing prototypes for identified innovation topics
  • Radical integration of users & their future needs
  • Fast-cycle and intensive doing & learning
  • Initial functional prototypes
  • Co-creation garage
4-6 months


transforming mindsets

  • Exploring & identifying potentials by learning from the future
  • Opening up new perspectives & deep understanding
  • Developing prototypes and concrete strategy for their implementation
  • Premium qualification of staff to achieve emergent innovations
  • 7 innovation workshops

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